

5 things to do everyday

 As a Muslim, there are 5 things you must do if you want to be successful in your life in this world and the hereafter.

Five prayers in the plural: don't let one prayer pass you by as a Muslim because of carelessness, take care of the prayer, especially the afternoon prayer, and avoid letting it pass you by, because everyone misses the prayer. 'asar because of negligence, it is like he lost his wealth and his family at the same time

Adhkar in the morning and in the evening: doing adhkar and insisting on doing adhkar in the morning and in the evening and you will get a lot of wealth and peace of mind, if you can spend 1 hour watching a movie or playing a game why can't you spend 15 minutes do not do adhkar.

Reading the Qur'an: reading is one of the most important things to collect a person's reward, everyone who reads the Qur'an receives ten rewards for every letter, for example now you are reading one page every day and you can see how many rewards you will collect so keep reading The Qur'an is always even half a page

Almsgiving: Giving alms every day, every small amount of it, will make a person get a lot of wealth, and God will protect him from many misfortunes, don't worry that you don't give too much or too little, God will give to you.

Remembering death: if you remember death every day, this will make you avoid falling into major sins because you are thinking about your meeting with God, and remembering death will make you stop doing good deeds.

Doing these five things will make you a good servant of God and a good person, so be careful

All this 5 things, this application will help and guide you Download here

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